
It finally stopped raining in time for the weekend.  Saturday wasn’t exactly gorgeous, but it was dry enough to head out for a hike.  It was a little on the gray side, and the sun was nowhere to be found, but I wasn’t discouraged.  The only unfortunate part was that it was freezing.  The pictures aren’t great, but we were actually trying to summit, so we were moving kind of quickly.

Of course we have purchased a few more fun things, so those got used too.

And of course the finished product! As a side note, it was actually not bad, but then again I was really hungry.

I’ve walked by this building twice a day for the past six months on my way to work, but it wasn’t until I walked on the opposite side of the street that I actually saw how stunning it is.

Someone already has their flowers out in the window boxes.  Spring might actually be around the corner.


Bizarre things are constantly left on the street. Like their owners were magically whisked away. 007